
Full Time Job


Scanline VFX

Seoul, Republic of Korea 03-28-2023
Apply @ Employer
  • Paid
  • Full Time
  • Senior (5-10 years) Experience
Job Description
The Senior/Lead Rigger designs, develops, tests, troubleshoots, maintains, and implements rigs for all aspects for VFX shows. They support studio wide and production project requirements including characters, vehicles, environment and other various aspects. They are responsible for coordination and scheduling of task deliverables. They are capable of balancing complex tasks, and have the ability to organize and automate their workflow. They oversee and mentor junior team members.

Key Responsibilities
• Works with production team to create the desired animation controls and qualities for objects and characters
• Tests and trouble shoots animation controls and makes adjustments as necessary throughout the production cycle
• Receives direction from leadership and escalates issues quickly, as needed
• Build/design advanced characters, creatures, vehicles and props in Maya using in-house tools and pipeline
• Mentor other members of the rigging team
• Contribute/develop tools, rig-modules, workflow and plugins for the Rigging department

• Minimum five (5) years of rigging experience for high profile VFX and/or animation projects
• Expert knowledge/experience of human/creature anatomies.
• Expert knowledge of creature deformation and puppet rigging techniques
• Strong Python experience
• Expert knowledge of Maya
• Experience delivering complete milestones/tasks under tight deadlines
• Eye for detail and excellent organizational skills
• Team player who is able to work independently with minimal supervision
• Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills
• Bachelor's Degree/Diploma in art and/or engineering or equivalent experience
• Strong written and verbal communication skills

시니어/리드 리깅 아티스트는 VFX 쇼의 모든 부분에 대한 리그를 설계, 개발, 테스트, 트러블슈팅, 유지 관리 및 구현합니다. 캐릭터, 차량, 환경 및 기타 다양한 부분들을 포함한 스튜디오 전체 혹은 프로젝트 제작팀 요구사항들을 지원합니다. 또한 결과물을 내기 위하여 일정을 관리하고 책임감 있게 작업을 조정합니다. 복잡한 작업의 밸런스를 맞출 수 있어야 하며, 전체적인 워크플로우를 구성하고 자동화 시킬 줄 알아야 합니다. 주니어 팀원들을 감독하고 멘토링해야 합니다.

• 제작 팀과 협력하여 애니메이션 컨트롤과 오브젝트 및 캐릭터의 움직임을 표현할 수 있게 셋업합니다.
• 애니메이션 컨트롤을 테스트하고 문제를 해결하며, 제작 진행 중 생기는 문제가 있다면 수정을 해야합니다.
• 리더로부터 지시를 받고, 문제가 있다면 신속하게 문제를 제기해야 합니다.
• 내부 툴과 파이프라인을 사용하여 Maya에서 복잡한 캐릭터, 크리쳐, 차량 및 소품을 제작하고 설계해야 합니다.
• 리깅 팀의 다른 팀원들을 멘토링해야 합니다.
• 리깅 팀을 위한 툴, 리깅 모듈, 워크플로우 및 플러그인을 제공하고 개발해야 합니다.

• 실사 영화 VFX 및/또는 애니메이션 프로젝트에서의 5년 이상의 리깅 경험
• 인간/생물 해부학에 대한 전문지식을 보유한 분
• 크리쳐 변형 및 퍼펫 리깅 기술에 대한 전문 지식
• 고급 Python 경험
• Maya에 대한 전문 지식
• 타이트한 마감 기한에 맞춰서 작업을 완수한 경험이 있는 분
• 섬세하고 디테일에 강한 분
• 팀웍이 뛰어나고, 최소한의 감독 하에 독립적으로 작업할 수 있는 분
• 문제를 트러블슈팅하고 해결하는 능력이 뛰어난 분
• 미술 또는 공학 학사 학위, 혹은 그에 동등한 실무 경험
• 높은 수준의 서면 및 구두 의사 소통 능력이 있으신 분

About Us

Scanline VFX is an award-winning leader in the visual effects industry with 7 studios worldwide, including London, Los Angeles, Montreal, Munich (will cease to operate by year's end), Seoul, and Vancouver. Since our beginning in 1989, we strive to set the highest standard of quality in everything we do. Through innovation, we generate solutions for our clients and raise the bar - both within our workplace and throughout our industry.

We look for explorers, people who are willing to go to new places and are open to testing, learning and iterating as they go. We believe great ideas come from everyone, so we actively encourage team members to ask questions and present their ideas.

Eyeline Studios

Eyeline Studios, our virtual production division, is rethinking the future of real-time filmmaking by providing content creators with unmatched flexibility. Learn more.

Powered by Netflix

Netflix's investment in our pipeline, infrastructure, and workforce allows us to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in visual effects. In addition to working on projects for Netflix, we continue to work with a variety of long-standing and new clients.

Come as you are

We are committed to ensuring fair and equal treatment of your application. When you apply for a role with us, you will receive consideration based solely on your qualifications.

We will only consider applicants based in Seoul or surroundings, or those willing to relocate.

Jobcode: Reference SBJ-rn5by3-3-15-29-211-42 in your application.