
FAQs, Tips, and Articles

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ShowbizJobs Free for Employers?

Yes! Any verified entertainment industry employer can use our online posting form and post a 21 day listing for Free! Plus, we'll even include your company logo on your listing page at no cost.

What is JobSync?

JobSync is our paid cloud-based service which automatically synchronizes postings from the employer career site to ShowbizJobs. You can find more information here.

My listings say "Insider Only". I thought your site was free to job seekers?

All new listings on ShowbizJobs are only available to our Insider members for the first 48 hours. After that, the listing opens up for anybody to view and apply to the job for free.

Do You Sell My Information?

Absolutely not. We do not sell your information to third-parties, nor will we ever SPAM your email with unsolicited promotions. All our emails are opt-in so you control what you want to see.

Posting on ShowbizJobs

Follow these rules to post on our site.

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March 2024
Internship Guidelines

You are going to need someone else to get that coffee...

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March 2024