Job Description
As an Animator, you will be responsible for generating high quality character, creature, and/or object animation for live-action visual effects.
Key Responsibilities
• Work under the direction of the Animation Supervisors and Animation Leads to create high quality animation
• Be accountable for incorporating a high level of quality in each scene
• Work with other animators and supervisors to identify and solve problems, both technically and artistically
• Liaise with other production team members to ensure production deadlines are met
• Ideally experienced on VFX productions with live-action ''realism''
• Knowledge of Maya (required), Motion Builder and Unreal (useful, not essential)
• Must have a strong sense of animation basics, acting, staging, posing, weight, timing and storytelling, as well as staying on model
• Strong understanding the language of the camera; framing, perspective, lenses, coverage, continuity, camera movement, blocking, etc.
• Background or experience in fine arts, which shows a thorough understanding of physical motion, weight, and balance
• Ability to debug technical problems and follow up for assistance if required
• Passionate about animation and visual storytelling
• A great attitude and ability to change and adapt with the project
• Strong animation reels can make up for lack of experience - great potential and enthusiasm is key!
• Degree and/or Diploma in Animation or related field or equivalent experience
• Previs experience a plus
• Knowledge of human and animal anatomy as well as life drawing skills
애니메이터는 애니메이션 슈퍼바이저에게 보고 하고, 장편 영화 및 TV 시리즈 에피소드에 필요한 캐릭터/크리처/오브젝트 애니메이션 작업을 진행합니다.
• 애니메이션 슈퍼바이저 및 애니메이션 리드의 지시에 따라 애니메이션 작업 진행
• 각 샷들 안에서 높은 수준의 퀄리티를 요구하는 작업 진행
• 다른 애니메이터 및 슈퍼바이저와 협력하여 기술적, 아티스틱한 문제를 해결
• 마감일을 준수하기 위해 프로덕션 팀 구성원과 소통
• 실사 ''리얼리즘'' VFX 제작 경험이 있는 분
• Maya에 대한 지식을 가지고 계신 분 (필수) - Motion Builder 및 Unreal 지식 보유자 (우대)
• 애니메이션 기본기, 연기, 스테이징, 포즈, 무게감, 타이밍 및 스토리텔링에 대한 강한 이해력과 모델 유지능력 필수
• 카메라 언어에 대한 강한 이해: 프레이밍, 원근법, 렌즈, 화면 구성, 연속성, 카메라 움직임, 블로킹 등
• 신체 동작, 무게 및 균형에 대한 깊은 이해를 보여주는 미술배경이나 경험이 있는 분 우대
• 기술적 문제를 디버깅하고 필요 시 도움을 요청할 수 있는 능력을 갖추신 분
• 애니메이션과 시각적 스토리텔링에 대한 열정이 있는 분
• 프로젝트 변화에 따라 유연하게 적응할 수 있는 긍정적인 태도를 보유하신 분
• 경험이 부족하더라도 강력한 애니메이션 릴을 보여주시는 분 - 높은 잠재력과 열정이 더 중요합니다!
• 애니메이션 또는 관련 분야의 학위 및/또는 졸업 또는 이와 동등한 경험
• Previz 작업 경험이 있으신 분
• 인간과 동물의 해부학적 지식과 드로잉 기술의 이해도가 있으신 분
About Us
Scanline VFX is an award-winning leader in the visual effects industry with 7 studios worldwide, including London, Los Angeles, Montreal, Munich, Seoul, Stuttgart, and Vancouver. Since our beginning in 1989, we strive to set the highest standard of quality in everything we do. Through innovation, we generate solutions for our clients and raise the bar - both within our workplace and throughout our industry.
We look for explorers, people who are willing to go to new places and are open to testing, learning and iterating as they go. We believe great ideas come from everyone, so we actively encourage team members to ask questions and present their ideas.
Eyeline Studios
Eyeline Studios, our virtual production division, is rethinking the future of real-time filmmaking by providing content creators with unmatched flexibility. Learn more.
Powered by Netflix
Netflix's investment in our pipeline, infrastructure, and workforce allows us to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in visual effects. In addition to working on projects for Netflix, we continue to work with a variety of long-standing and new clients.
Come as you are
We are committed to ensuring fair and equal treatment of your application. When you apply for a role with us, you will receive consideration based solely on your qualifications.
We will only consider applicants based in Seoul or surroundings, or those willing to relocate.
Jobcode: Reference SBJ-d54z1e-18-191-212-181-42 in your application.