
Full Time Job

Senior Visual Design Artist - R&D

Riot Games

Shanghai, China 07-17-2024
  • Paid
  • Full Time
  • Senior (5-10 years) Experience
Job Description
Riot 视觉设计师通过他们在系统设计、图形设计、互动性、布局、排版、色彩理论和插图方面的知识来打造最佳的玩家体验。设计师与跨学科团队合作,既是艺术问题也是设计问题的解决者。他们了解玩家,并在解决界面或沟通挑战时提出关于''是什么''、''是谁''和''如何''的问题。


• 塑造游戏的 UI/UX,定义符合项目创意目标和艺术方向的方向
• 创建视觉平衡且直观的界面,展示出对可读性、层次结构、平台和玩家行为模式的出色掌握
• 指导 UI 工作的规划,与艺术家和设计师合作,建立创意愿景
• 与艺术和游戏设计合作,模拟出符合玩家互动和视觉设计目标的 UX 线框
• 在每个开发阶段创建资产,从概念到游戏内实现
• 运用对系统设计、图形设计、互动性、布局、排版、色彩理论和插图的深入了解,创造无缝的玩家体验
• 在整个项目中延伸主题,建立风格指南和惯例
• 为你的学科设立质量标准

• 6 年以上专业视觉设计师、UI 设计师或 UI 艺术家经验
• 至少有一个从早期阶段到发布的游戏开发经验
• 具有 Unreal 和/或其他相关游戏引擎的经验
• 具有 Figma 的经验
• 精通 Adobe CC 产品,包括 Photoshop 和 Illustrator

• 了解游戏开发流程,包括优化、本地化、实现,特别是手机游戏
• 在运动图形、插图、动画或建模等次要领域的经验
• 印刷行业的经验


Riot 注重工作与生活的平衡,表现为我们的开放式带薪休假政策以及其他福利,如灵活的工作时间。我们提供医疗、牙科和人寿保险,为你、你的配偶/家庭伴侣和子女提供带薪育儿假,并提供公司匹配的 401k 计划。有关更多信息,请查看我们的福利页面。

Riot Games 致力于营造一种重视团队合作的玩家和工作环境,这体现在召唤师守则和社区守则中。我们的文化将差异视为一种力量,我们的价值观是我们工作方式的指导原则。我们致力于将多样性和包容性(D&I)置于我们所做的一切的中心,促进一个公平和协作的文化,让每个 Rioter 彼此以尊严和尊重对待。我们鼓励你阅读更多关于我们共同繁荣的价值观以及我们为打造游戏行业最具包容性的公司所做的工作。

我们的政策是为 Riot Games Inc. 的所有申请人和成员提供平等的就业机会。Riot Games 为残疾人士提供合理的便利,并且不会因种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、性别认同或表达、国籍、年龄、残疾、退伍军人身份、婚姻状况、犯罪记录或任何其他受适用联邦和州法律保护的类别而非法歧视,包括洛杉矶市的《招聘条例》(LAMC 189.00)关于申请人犯罪历史的规定。

Riot Games was established in 2006 by entrepreneurial gamers who believe that player-focused game development can result in great games. In 2009, Riot released its debut title League of Legends to critical and player acclaim. As the most played video game in the world, over 100 million play every month. Players form the foundation of our community and it's for them that we continue to evolve and improve the League of Legends experience.

We're looking for humble but ambitious, razor-sharp professionals who can teach us a thing or two. We promise to return the favor. Like us, you take play seriously; you're passionate about games. We embrace those who see things differently, aren't afraid to experiment, and who have a healthy disregard for constraints.

That's where you come in.

Riot Visual Designers craft the best player experiences through their knowledge of systemic design, graphic design, interactivity, layout, typography, color theory, and illustration. Designers collaborate with cross disciplinary teams and act as both artistic and design problem solvers. They understand players and ask questions about the what, who, and how when solving for an interface or communication challenge.

As the Senior Visual Design Artist in the Shanghai studio in China, you will be responsible for all aspects of Visual Design of an early stage game. We need your help in producing assets of the highest quality for our players to immerse themselves in our world. You'll report to the Head of Product, China Game Studio and collaborate with other artists to establish the style of the game's user interface. You'll also work collaboratively with engineers, designers, and producers, and together will give new, delightful experiences to our players.

As a Rioter in China, you'll join a team of internationally and culturally diverse professionals that share our prioritization of player experience, rejection of convention and maniacal passion for gaming.

To reinforce Riot's collaborative culture in our China offices, we've decided to do away with the constraints of traditional hierarchical title structures that are more common in the region. Titles don't really matter at any of Riot's offices, but we chose to take this extra step in our China offices to foster a space where teamwork thrives. We believe that removing this constraint will promote individual autonomy, ownership, collaboration, and a focus on results. We promise you won't need a title at Riot to make an impact.

• Shape UI/UX for the game, defining a direction that meets the creative goals and artistic direction of the project
• Create visually balanced and intuitive interfaces that show an excellent grasp of readability, hierarchy, platform and player behavior patterns
• Guide the planning of UI work, working with artists and designers to build on the creative vision
• Collaborate with art and game design to mock-up UX wireframes that meet the goals for player interaction and visual design
• Create assets through each stage of development, taking ideas from concept to in-game implementation
• Use deep knowledge of systemic design, graphic design, interactivity, layout, typography, color theory, and illustration to create seamless player experience
• Extend themes throughout the project, establishing style guides and conventions
• Establish the quality bar for your discipline

Required Qualifications:
• 6+ years of professional experience as a Visual Designer, UI Designer, or UI Artist
• Experience in developing at least one game from early stage to launch
• Experience working with Unreal and/or other relevant game engine experience
• Experience with Figma
• Expert knowledge of Adobe CC products including Photoshop and Illustrator

Desired Qualifications:
• Knowledge of the game development pipeline including optimization, localization, implementation, especially for mobile games
• Experience in a secondary area such as motion graphics, illustration, animation, or modeling
• Experience in the printing industry

Don't forget to include a resume and cover letter. We receive a lot of applications, but we'll notice a fun, well-written intro that shows us you take play seriously.

For this role, you'll find success through craft expertise, a collaborative spirit, and decision-making that prioritizes the delight of players. We will be looking at your past studies, experience, and your personal relationship with games. If you embody player empathy and care about the experiences of players, this could be the role for you!
Our Perks:

Riot Games fosters a player and workplace experience that values teamwork embodied by the Summoner's Code and Community Code. Our culture embraces differences as a strength, and our values are the guiding principles for how we approach work. We are committed to putting diversity and inclusion (D&I) at the center of everything we do, and promoting a fair and collaborative culture where Rioters treat one another with dignity and respect. We encourage you to read more about our value of thriving together and our ongoing work to build the most inclusive company in gaming.

Jobcode: Reference SBJ-rnzn2m-3-137-215-61-42 in your application.

Company Profile
Riot Games

Riot Games was founded in 2006 to develop, publish, and support the most player-focused games in the world. In 2009, we released our debut title, League of Legends, to worldwide acclaim. League has gone on to be the most-played PC game in the world and a key driver of the explosive growth of esports.