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Executive Newscast Producer Jobs

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 postings found

Job Title Company Location Date Type Description Logo
Executive Newscast Producer
Lynchburg, VA 2 days ago
Full Time Job

Oversee daily newscasts to ensure we are serving our local communities by sharing relevant information to alert, protect, and empower our audiences. Supervise producers and reporters, as well as, review scripts and rundowns.

Executive Newscast Producer
Sinclair Broadcast Group
Redding, CA 2 days ago
Full Time Job

As a newsroom leader, the Executive Producer is expected to lead by example. Some additional responsibilities of our Executive Producer will include.

Executive Newscast Producer
Reno, NV 02-28-2025
Full Time Job

Oversee daily newscasts to ensure we are serving our local communities by sharing relevant information to alert, protect and empower our audiences. Supervise producers and reporters, as well as, review scripts and provide feedback to encourage powerful storytelling.

Executive Newscast Producer
Florence, SC 02-25-2025
Full Time Job

Oversee daily newscasts to ensure we are serving our local communities by sharing relevant information to alert, protect and empower our audiences. Supervise producers and reporters, as well as, review scripts and provide feedback to encourage powerful storytelling.

Executive Newscast Producer
Asheville, NC 12-20-2024
Full Time Job

Oversee Investigative team in collaboration with News Director. Supervise news specials, town halls, cross-department initiatives.

Executive Newscast Producer
Portland, ME 10-10-2024
Full Time Job

Oversee daily newscasts to ensure we are serving our local communities by sharing relevant information to alert, protect and empower our audiences. Supervise producers and reporters, as well as, review scripts and provide feedback to encourage powerful storytelling.

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