Choosing the Right Entertainment Resume

Understanding how to create a standout resume is the key to landing a job in many fields, and the entertainment industry is no different. Since certain show business positions require either a standard or film production resume, you’ll need to know which kind to prepare in order to impress employers. 

To help get you started, here’s a breakdown of the main differences between the two types of entertainment career resumes:

The Standard Resume

Since it’s common in most industries, this kind of resume is probably the most familiar. In the entertainment world, the standard resume is typically used for non-production positions like marketing, human resources, public relations, accounting, and legal affairs.

Standard resumes usually are organized into subsections devoted to education, work experience, awards, and skills. Under the work experience category, applicants list their relevant job titles, each followed by bullet points describing their primary responsibilities and achievements. This type of resume is the clean, professional go-to for business-oriented entertainment careers. To learn how to create a great standard resume, check out this helpful guide.

The Film Production Resume

While many entertainment positions simply require standard resumes, production crew jobs demand a unique format. Directors, producers, editors, production designers, production assistants, and all other film crew positions fall under this category.

Film production resumes generally feature a brief summary of the applicant’s professional goals, along with sections listing one’s soft and hard skills and relevant film training. The focal point is the film credits portion, where applicants highlight their projects. Unlike the bullet point descriptions in standard resumes, the film credits section isn’t meant to explain job functions. Instead, applicants simply write their title (director, producer, etc.), followed by the names and genres of productions for which they held that position. This way, employers can quickly identify an applicant’s production experience and assess whether they’re the right fit.

Once you know which resume to use, you’ll be that much closer to getting your dream entertainment job. If you’re looking for work, explore this page full of job categories and locations or this one for internship opportunities. From there, create the standard or film production resume employers won’t forget.